Rooted is a 10-week, group-based experience that will help you develop Christ-centered rhythms to discover and deepen your connection with God, the church, and your purpose. If you aren’t sure what your next step is, Rooted is the perfect place to start.

fall 2023 session

Our Fall Session will meet on Sundays from 4-5:30pm starting September 10th. The participant book costs $20. This life group is limited to 10 people so tap the button and register today!

Not Just Another Bible Study

Rooted is for people in every life stage, wherever they are on their walk with Christ. Rooted is a catalyst for life change where discussion is held in a small group environment, creating a safe space for biblical exploration and practical learning experiences. Over the course of 10 weeks, Rooted will help us put into practice not only what Jesus did, but also help us discover what our purpose is and how it fits within God’s broader redemptive narrative.

Rooted focuses on walking through the rhythms of life in order to form us, ground us, and grow us as disciples. Rooted is not another bible study, but an experience that grows our relationship with Christ as the weekly readings teach us what it means to be a disciple of Jesus through the rhythms of life such as Scripture, prayer, worship, generosity and service.

The Rooted Experience

Rooted is an experience. Your Rooted group will explore the Bible, engage in prayer, serve together, and practice rhythms essential to a healthy spiritual life.
Topics Discussed Include:

• Who is God?
• How does God speak to us?
• Where is God in the midst of suffering?
• There is an enemy
• How can I make the most of my life?
• How does God view money?
• Why and how should I tell others?
• Why is the church important?


Throughout Scripture, we’re repeatedly reminded of the importance of intentional communication with God, individually and as a community. Your group’s prayer experience will help you foster a deeper relationship with God and learn ways to pursue the regular rhythm of prayer.


As followers of Christ, we’re invited to participate in the mission of God. Through this serving opportunity, you’ll experience Christ’s servant heart, focus on building relationships in another community, and encounter the needs of others.


Our stories have the power to break down barriers of fear, miscommunication, isolation, and much more. How can you best overcome those barriers in order to share the story of your relationship with Christ? Throughout your Rooted experience and specifically during week 9, your group will spend time praying and preparing for opportunities to share your own individual faith stories.